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Roombas are moving text objects created by the Janitor in order to clean up spawn. Since their first appearance on November 17th, 2022, roombas have attained a notorious reputation. Some users enjoyed their presence while others scorned them for erasing text indiscriminately.

The Janitor's roombas have completely disappeared by the start of 2024. In their absence, another user by the name of M has begun to create their own roombas. These new variants contained sponsorships for a faction called the Moth Cult.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Movement[edit | edit source]

Roombas are designed to slowly travel across the page, moving towards the nearest pieces of text and deleting anything in their paths. If there is enough text to either side of them, they will move in a zig-zag pattern in order to cover as much area as possible.

The speed at which roombas move is pitifully slow (Due to the rate limit and limits on edit packet size), they are completely automated however and can clean spawn with great efficiency if given enough time.

Restrictions[edit | edit source]

Limits to a roomba's movement. Extends 3 coordinates North and West, 2 coordinates East and South.

Roombas are restricted to a certain radius around spawn(roughly 3 coordinates on all sides) which they cannot go beyond.

On February 11th, 2023 a roomba was allowed to go beyond its normal range. The roomba moved upwards, devouring the North Road until it crashed at Y:74.

Roomba glitching out

Bugs[edit | edit source]

Due to certain bugs, the first roombas would become dormant after a few minutes. Later ones could technically move forever, though they still crash or glitch out every once in a while.

Multiple Roomba Scenario[edit | edit source]

Sped up 30x

On December 14th, 2022 the Janitor deployed two roombas at the same time. Prior to that point only one has been active at any given instance.

When two roombas are active at once, both will move as they normally would though one will be much slower than the other.

When two roombas touch they will effectively merge, with each one attempting to erase the other. Once this has happened the two roombas are stuck together until one of them is deactivated.

Tricking a roomba[edit | edit source]

trick a roomba with this easy and simple guide in just 2 easy steps

step 1: look at this picture


step 2: enjoy

context: someone asked how to trick a roomba and so i made this guide :)

Zoombis[edit | edit source]

On November 24th, 2022, the Janitor introduced a new series of text objects named zoombis. Zoombis resemble roombas in both design and behavior, moving in roughly the same patterns and operating within the same area around spawn. Instead of deleting text, however, zoombis are designed to cover up empty space with block alt codes(while avoiding text if possible).

Zoombi on November 25th, 2022

Zoombis were a much rarer sight than roombas and have only appeared sporadically since their introduction.

Roomba Sponsored by Moth Cult[edit | edit source]

February 21st, 2024(Sped up 30x)

On February 21st, 2024, a user going by Moth Cult Leader created a moving text object similar to the roomba, which moved around the spawn box in a defined path.

Version 2[edit | edit source]

Moth Roomba moving through the spawn box(February 28th, 2024)

On February 28th, 2024, Moth Cult Leader updated their roomba to move randomly in a small radius(128 by 64 character square around the center). It would occasionally run into the Spawn Box(whereas The Janitor's roomba would always move around it).

Version 3[edit | edit source]

On February 28th, 2024, Moth Cult Leader updated their roomba to better avoid the spawn box.

Super Roomba[edit | edit source]

On October 16th, 2024, Moth Cult Leader created an abnormally large "Super Roomba" that moved in a small perimeter under the Spawn Box.

The Super Roomba featured a bulletin that displayed its location, along with a line of scrolling text that read "Brought to you by moth cult. All hail Catha'vi!"

Following complaints from other users, it was removed.

Sped Up ~60x