East Road

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The East Road was the first road on the main page of YWoT. It is considered the third fastest to traverse by means of AFK transport, preceded by holding the up-arrow or down-arrow for +Y and -Y respectively. However, the East Road is by far the easiest to build manually, while consequently also the easiest to vandalize.

History[edit | edit source]

Pre-2015 Wipe[edit | edit source]

The original creator is unknown, but is thought to be Cthulhu or another entity we cannot comprehend. It is suggested that it was The Worm Killer.

The road went though the Exclamation Mark forest and desert up to X: 3500 and the old road became a dirt path.

The pre-2015 wipe road supposedly ended at X:10000, in a city called Overtown. At least eight people have made it to this settlement.

On the 15th July 2015 the world was reset. The old road was lost forever.

Pre-April 2021[edit | edit source]

There are many sub roads near it, including Hayden's lightning and I road, KickTheKurt's E road and other lesser known sub roads.

On June 25 of 2016 TailsDoll repaired the original road up to X: 10,000, 


leaving "check-ins" every 100x till 1000, and then one every 500x till 2000, and then one every 1000, A large one at 4000, 5000 and 10,000.

Some time before 11/1/16 a large chunk of this road was destroyed.

Initially, a person spamming communist symbols attempted to stop the project, but with the help of a few others, he was out-spammed and temporarily gave up spawns, however, the battle to keep spawn clear around the road continues to this day.

The road's first major obstacle was going through Spam City, which was difficult, but it was completed.

Next, the road went through Pleasantville, and encountered the ruins of another road there. These ruins were preserved so that the East Road workers could remember those that came before them.

The road has undergone a few revisions since this and it is unknown if this was by EvasiveObject or not.

If you continue down EvasiveObject's road you will come to TailsDoll's road.

As of 11/28/16 the bottom part of TailsDoll's road stops at X: 4500 and it is unknown if it restarts, the upper part of the road continues till X: 10,000

April 2021 Revision[edit | edit source]

Initially, the East Road starts at Y:-1 while Y:0 leads through a cable bridge all the way to X:50, where it ends, and in its place emerges a double-lane road a couple chunks farther. At X:90, the Y:-1 road eventually collapses, while the Y:0 the bottom road splits to form a triple-lane. The third, top lane was built between January and April of 2021, though its glory remains short-lived as it ends at X:150. The main road experiences multiple potholes and erosions, with some parts graciously fixed by Japanese road workers, until reaching X:788, after which the road remains unaltered.

Many users traversed the East Road with different goals in mind. Most people end at X:100 and X:1000, indicated by the decrease in spam the further you go. The longer you travel, the less detours, such as villages, vertical roads, and alleyways, appear alongside the road.

TAILSDOLL was the founder of the road since 2015, though it only extends to around X:4500 or sooner, as well as the top lane reducing to an = line at approximately X:2000. The Fire Nation continued TAILSDOLL's work up until X:5000, whereafter the six unit wide road changes into a single solid line, until it also stops at X:5788.

Landmarks[edit | edit source]

Eastward Train, by Meur.

The Railroad[edit | edit source]

First instances of a railroad occur during the top road's switch to a line of ='s, extending far beyond the discontinuation of the original road all the way until the true railway, which began at X:6531, merges the two lanes into a single path (X:6602), though some might suggest the ASCII art found at X:5616 to be the first indication of a train theme, later accompanied by several of Meur's locomotive art. With A Wandering Madman as lead conductor, multiple train stations were built on behalf of various milestones. There are a total of 13 train stations:

The First Station, by A Wandering Madman.
  • The First Station (X:6600)
  • 6 Milestones for every 500 passed (X:7000 to 9500)
  • The Devil's Station (X:6666)
  • The Bad Joke Station (X:6789)
  • The Lucky 7 Station (X:7777)
  • The Boob Station (X:8008)
  • The Great Eight St-eight-ion (X:8888)
  • The Final Station (X:9999)

When reaching X:9000, users are asked to travel the last 1000 chunks manually by mouse or by holding down the right-arrow.

The ownership was briefly passed on to Meur when the train track mysteriously vanished at X:6939, however A Wandering Madman returned to lead after the track continued at X:6946.

Plant Life[edit | edit source]

The flora surrounding East Road

The early vicinity of the East Road houses a total of two plant species: generic fruit trees and dandelions. Excluding the road itself, this is considered the largest landmark found on the path to X:10k. Their original creator remains unknown. Throughout time, the flora diminished marginally, especially near the road, due to griefers and line spam, though it remains intact as the plants' original look is still recognizable. Note that most of the dandelions near X:1000 have been replaced by "flower".

Public Q&A[edit | edit source]

A series of public questions can be found at the 3000's, many of which revolve around each user's hobbies and interests. Though there were two Q&As after the original ten, those were written under a different name (or rather, the originals are unsigned AND they consistently appear every 100th mark). The list went as follows:

  • What is your favourite show? (X:3150)
  • What is your favourite movie? (X:3250)
  • What is your favourite book? (X:3350)
  • Would you rather fight a hundred horse sized ducks or one duck sized horse? (X:3450)
  • What is your favourite Pokémon? (X:3550)
  • Have you called your parents recently? (X:3650)
  • What was the best food you've experienced? (X:3750)
  • What is the lowest amount of money you would take to eat a dollar sized spider? (X:3850)
  • Were you a Webkinz, Neopets, or Club Penguin kid? (X:3950)
  • Why have you decided to come here? (X:4100)*
  • What climate would you want to live in? (X:4642)*

Cornuga's McDonald's Chain[edit | edit source]

Following the latter half of East Road's X:10k path, frequent complaints about travelers forgetting to pack their lunch before the trip sparked determination in an aspiring entrepreneur called Cornuga. Their fast food chain can be found every 500th milestone (X:6000-10000), with prices ranging from FREE to $500 (unconfirmed). Each McDonald's held no more than five products at a time, making the variety somewhat scarce. However, the restaurants made up for this detriment with the fact that every product never sells out. A notable exception to the distribution of the dining areas includes the harboring of the first restaurant, located at X:5757.

The Provocative Poem, prior to erasure

Other Landmarks[edit | edit source]

  • RUNNIN Guy - A recurring character whose passion for running east motivated many users to come (owner unknown).
  • The Provocative Poem (Vanished as of Aug 5, 2024) - A short work written by an unknown author describing their history and interest in large male genitalia (X:3061).
  • SPLATOON Walls - There are at least three official SPLATOON walls along the East Road, covering a vast surface area either next to the road, or atop of it (by SPLATOON Guy).
  • Devil's District (X:666) (Heavily Vandalized as of Aug 5, 2024) - A brief display of Satanic ASCII art in commemoration to the Beast's Number 666.
  • The 7 Flood - A massive natural body of 7's surrounding the nearby 700s.

Notable Lines[edit | edit source]

  • Number Line
  • Elusive Y=2 Line
  • The = Road

List of Check-in Locations (as of April 11th 2021)[edit | edit source]

  • X=0-1000 - 50, 150, 300, 500, 700
  • X=1001-2000 - 1182, 1700, 2000
  • X=2001-5000 - 2100, 2700, 3000, 3500, 4000
  • X=5001-10000 - 5616, 6000, 7000, 10000

List of people who made it to X:500 after June 2016:[edit | edit source]

1.TAILSDOLL (2016)

2. AM12 (undocumented)

3.pawvic (undocumented)

4.calebc739 (undocumented)

5.~haydenwest (undocumented)

6. KicktheKurt

7. Landon (undocumented)

8. Collin Roberts (undocumented)

9. GoodDays (undocumented)

10. XnfAJ (undocumented)

11. LSD (undocumented)

12. wiichicken

13. JirroZ

So far at least 25 people made it to X:1700 since May 11th 2018 (excluding records of approximately 70 or more users deleted by vandalism), however only around 20 people in total have reached X:10000 as of April 11th 2021, with ~14 confirmed users, out of which are 11 recorded dates, and an estimated 5-15 unconfirmed individuals resulted from a mass deletion during 2018.